Saturday, September 26, 2009

Glacier National Park

My latest adventures have been in Glacier National Park. What a park! The mountains are so tall and the lakes are so blue. Glacier National Park was carved by glaciers thousands of years ago. Some of the glaciers are still here but most of them have melted away. Did you know that melting glaciers make really pretty blue lakes?

We went on two hikes to two different lakes. I met a mountain goat on the way to Hidden Lake. He was very friendly.

Gideon taught me how to fly fish at Hidden Lake, but neither one of us caught anything. I think it was because the water was so clear the fish knew what we were up to.

We also hiked to Grinnell Lake where I watched a waterfall in the distance. All of the water was runoff from Grinnell glacier, up on the side of the mountain.

We didn't see any bears on our hikes. I think it was because Emily was making so much noise on the trail yelling, "Hey Bear!" every other minute. I guess it's good to let Grizzly bears know you are coming. You don't want a surprised Grizzly on your hands--at least, I don't!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yellowstone National Park

I went to Yellowstone National Park. It’s the very first National Park in the United States. I can understand why it’s a special place. It’s right on top of a volcano, so the heat from below boils the water underground and sends it blowing up through the earth. Have you ever heard of Old Faithful? It’s a geyser. I saw it erupt. It spewed water over 125 feet into the air. I even got a little wet, but the water wasn’t hot by the time it sprayed me.

I saw lots of other strange sights. Did you know there is a place in Yellowstone named after me? It’d called Biscuit Basin. It has all kinds of geysers, boiling ponds, and hot mud pits. It’s kind of a strange place, but I like that it has the same name as me. Here's a picture of me at one of the hot springs at Biscuit Basin.

I saw lots of animals in Yellowstone, like bison, elk, and coyote. They were all pretty big animals, so I just stayed really quiet in the car and watched from a distance.

We went on a hike to see a special waterfall in a place called the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. It was a long hike, and we had to walk carefully along cliffs on the rim of the canyon. I really like to hike. There’s always something new to see.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Grand Teton National Park

It’s been a few days since I last wrote. We’ve been out in the wilderness, and I’ve been on the lookout for wild animals.

We went to Grand Teton National Park. This park had really huge mountains. They were jagged and some even had snow on them. It was really cold in Grand Teton!

Guess what I saw... a MOOSE! It was a male moose, which is called a bull. It had pretty big antlers. Did you know antlers are made of bone and the moose grows and sheds a new set every year?

I also went on a hike with Emily and Gideon. We got a little lost, but I wasn’t scared. I knew we’d find our way home, and we did before it got dark.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

On my way

Hello, my name is Biscuit. I’m a dog, and I’m on the small size. I’m from North Carolina where I live with a little girl named Hana and a boy named Sam. My people friends, Emily and Gideon, are taking me on a road trip across the United States. Hana and Sam said I could go. This is the story of my adventure.

Our first stop was Chicago. We went to the zoo and I saw lions, giraffes, and bears. I wanted to play with the lions, but they were sunning themselves and didn’t want company. I also went on a long walk along the shores of Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan is so big, it seems like the ocean. The city of Chicago is built right on the shores of the lake. It sure is a pretty city, but it’s also really windy. Emily had to hold me tight so I didn’t end up in the lake!

That night, we slept over at Joelie Belle and William’s house. I felt shy, so I just watched them play. They had new Halloween costumes and were running all around the house in them. I wonder what I should be for Halloween.

On our second day in Chicago, we went to a museum called the Field Museum. There was a big T-Rex skeleton named Sue. She was kind of scary, but I was brave and had my picture taken with her.

After the museum, we went on another long walk to the Navy Pier, which was like a bridge that jutted into the lake. The Navy Pier had a great big Ferris Wheel, but I was too short to ride on it.

Yesterday we drove from Chicago all the way to the middle of South Dakota. There wasn’t much to see until we got to the Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota. It was a great big building decorated with corn! I’ve never seen anything like it; neither had Emily or Gideon.

Last night was my first night camping out in a tent. It was fun. Emily let me sleep in her sleeping bag with her to keep warm.

Today we went to the Badlands National Park in South Dakota. It was a really rocky place. I didn’t want to get lost down in those rock canyons, so I stayed close to Emily and Gideon. We saw a bison, pronghorns, and I got to meet a prairie dog. I think he liked me.

After the Badlands, we went to the Black Hills. There I saw Mount Rushmore, a big mountain with four presidents’ faces carved into it. Do you know the names of those presidents?